Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sole Fresco

A couple of months ago, Edgar came into the gallery looking for some logo help--we were stoked the Chicago native was opening another streetwear shop for Austin...and we jumped right on the project.
There are not a lot of urban boutiques in Austin, but it is cool because each one is very unique in brands they carry and in overall attitude.

Anyway- SOLE FRESCO, Edgar's shop just had its Grand Opening this past weekend and I finally had a chance to check the shop out. The spot is located in a small shopping center at 6541 N.Lamar(across from the yellow rose).  They stock tees from Mofoz Visualz, TITS, Sneaker Fiend, Sugar Craft & CAKE, and even their own brand of tees that feature their new logo. 
Sole Fresco also Buys, Sells, and Trades premium get at them for that new new.

Sole Fresco holding it down
Amazing graf work from some chicago writers
The Dirty caught my eye

These guys I run into at every cool shop in Austin, Icky and ProblemChild

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